

   2nd Semester

*  District Offer's Training in Sallisaw, Sept 3@

*  Dues are Due! Sept 5@

*  Work the Football Concession Stand(see sign-up sheet) Sept 18@ 

*  FCCLA Meeting (NACHO Typical Meeting) 3:00-3:45 Sept 29 @ 

* FCCLA Meeting (Walking Taco's) 3:00-3:45 Oct 27@

*   District Leadership Meeting Sallisaw (Officer's Only) Nov 5 @ 

*  FCCLA Meeting  3:00-3:45 Nov 10@

*  Grace Cottage Banquet (Community only) Nov@

* Work the Basktball. Concession Stand Dec 9@

* District Star Events ( For Competitor only) Dec 11@

* Nursing Home Caroling/Christmas Party Dec@

* FCCLA Meeting - Jan @

* Cook-Off - Jan@

* Valentine's Banquet during National FCCLA Month Feb@

* FCCLA Meeting-  Mar@

* Make a Difference Project- Apr@

* End of School Pizza Party and Recognition of Leaders May@



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