
Kidd Middle School--The name of our school originated back in the
early nineteen hundreds. In 1912 a lady named Pansy Ingle
Kidd came to Poteau. She was a graduate of Indiana
University with a Masters' Degree in English and Library
Science. Pansy Ingle became a third grade teacher until 1915
when she married Frank Kidd. Since a regulation of the 1915
school board was not to hire married female teachers, she had to
quit teaching. Pansy did not teach again until 1921 when the
regulation was finally changed. For 40 years she taught with
all her heart, and was called by many, "Dean of Poteau's
Teachers." Mrs. Kidd taught whatever her superintendent
needed her to teach. During her tenure she was a teacher of
Science, Math, and English, Librarian, Counselor, and
Principal. She organized the beginning of the Junior
High School. This same school was later named in honor of
Mrs. Kidd. Pansy Kidd taught for 42 years, and retired in
1960. She lived in Poteau until her death in 1978. Our
school is indeed proud to be named for such an outstanding
educator. The following plaque hangs in the hallway of Pansy
Kidd Middle School.

The following
pictures are of the Pansy Kidd Junior High. The original
building was also the High School. Over 100 years of
education have been at this location.
