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Marshall Brence

Personal Information


I graduated from Cordell High School in 1974.  I then graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with a Bachelors Degree in Music Education in 1978 and a Masters Degree in Education in Music in 1983.   I attended Northeastern State University to work on Public School Administration.  I  received my K-8 Principals Certification in 1993.  My first 20 years in Poteau, I directed band and vocal music and have spent the last ten years as assistant principal at PKMS.

I am a member of the following professional organizations:


Oklahoma Association of Secondary School Principals

Eastern District Band Directors Association

Eastern Oklahoma Band Directors Association

Oklahoma Music Adjudicators Association.

I am active in the Poteau Evening Lions Club, Oklahoma Lions, and Lions Clubs International as an officer and presenter.  I have presented workshops and seminars in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and at the Lions USA/Canda Forums in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and will be presenting in Saskatoon , Saskatchewan , Canada this year.

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Last edited on 01/16/08


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